Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Welcome Back! A great new school year is about to begin.
Our first day of school is Tuesday September 5. Our school day begins at 9:10 and concludes at 3:40 pm. Due to the large number of busses and cabs transporting students, our parking lot continues to be closed to all vehicular traffic from 8:50-9:10 am and 3:30-5:50 pm. There is a municipal parking lot beside our school that parents/guardians may wish to use. Parents/guardians are encouraged to walk their children to and from their vehicles and to have a pre-arranged pick up spot at the end of the day if they are picking up their children. Parents/guardians of students that take school transportation are encouraged to check route information on If there are any concerns, please call the school. Transportation eligibility does change throughout a student’s school career so please check the web site. We also ask that students be at their stop ten minutes early during the first two weeks of school.
A reminder that there continues to be construction on Yonge Street. Please ensure students use extreme caution when in this area and when crossing the road.
On the first day of school, students will gather at posted grade signs in the yard and teachers will come out and collect their students a few minutes prior to the bell. We remind everyone that we have students with severe allergies to nuts and therefore ask that no foods that contain or may contain nuts be brought to school.
A prayer for the start of a new year
Lord give me the grace to do my best in all my studies.
Through all the things I learn,
may I come to know and to love you better.
Rather than my own profit,
may your honor and glory and the service of others
be the motive that inspires me.
Give me a love of the truth,
perseverance in difficulties,
modesty in success
and cheerfulness in failure.
From: Verhalen, Phillip. Prayers for the Classroom. The liturgical Press, Minnesota, 1998
We look forward to seeing everyone back here on September fifth!
Mr. Amos, Principal