Allergy Reminder



Dear Parents/Guardians,

Board Policy has set out procedures in regard to the administration of medication of students with life threatening allergies.

If your child requires medication (prescribed by a physician), please notify the school and complete the necessary form. All medication must be sent to the office for safekeeping.

If your child has a life-threatening allergy, parents are expected to notify the principal and complete the necessary form prior to or immediately after the beginning of the school year.

Parents and students are asked to ensure that products that contain or may contain nuts or fish not be brought into school as we have students that have severe allergies to nuts. As well, we have a student that has a life threatening allergy to dairy. Although students may bring in items that contain dairy, students are asked not to share food and to wash hands before and after eating.

We ask that parents refrain from bringing in food for birthday celebrations and other events as we want to ensure a safe environment for our students with life threatening allergies. Other non food treats may be brought in. Students are also reminded to refrain from sharing any food while at school. We thank you for your support.