
News Stories

Book Fair Week

The Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the library for scheduled class visits on Sept. 18, 19, 20, and 21 during the school day.  What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event!

Students accompanied by parent(s) are welcome from 8:45-9:05 on Sept. 19, 20, and 21.  On Thursday Sept. 21, the Book Fair will ... Continue reading "Book Fair Week"

First Communion Registration

In preparation for the sacrament of First Communion, St John Chrysostom Parish has open registrations!  Communion registrations begin on Monday, September 5th and close Friday, September 30th, 2023.

You can email the Parish if more information is needed at:


BBQ & Parent Open House Night

To start of the 2023/2024 school year the Catholic School Council would like to extend an invitation to all families in our school community to join us for a Welcome Back Barbeque on Thursday, September 21st starting at 5pm on the St. Paul school grounds.

This year we have invited Mr. Corn to Barbeque for us.  Hamburgers and hot dogs will be available ... Continue reading "BBQ & Parent Open House Night"

Elementary Continuing Education

YCDSB provides a variety of remedial literacy, numeracy, skill development and general interest programming for elementary students during the school year and summer months.   A sample of our robust programming includes Homework Helper, Art, Technology, French, Reading Readiness and Math Booster, among several others.

The International Language program is offered for students to learn a new language, preserve their own language or enhance ... Continue reading "Elementary Continuing Education"

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the 2023/24 school year, we hope you enjoyed a restful summer!   

We are extremely excited to begin the new school year and the staff have been busy preparing for the return of students and we look forward to meeting new families and greeting familiar faces on Tuesday, September 5th.  Your child’s classroom teacher will be meeting the families ... Continue reading "Welcome Back!"


The Grade 3 & 6 students will be participating in EQAO assessments the week of June 5th to 9th.  Testing will focus on the areas of Reading, Writing and Math.  We wish the grade 3 & 6 students the very best as they work to complete their EQAO testing.