TVO Back to School Learning Resources
As educators, students, and families begin the 2023-2024 school year, TVO continues to provide a rich portfolio of free, curriculum-aligned resources and tools to support K-12 learning.
As educators, students, and families begin the 2023-2024 school year, TVO continues to provide a rich portfolio of free, curriculum-aligned resources and tools to support K-12 learning.
October 2 of each year is set aside as National Custodian Appreciation Day. This day acknowledges and values the work that takes place behind the scenes to keep our schools and office buildings clean and safe.
Thank you to Ms D’Agosto & Mr Odasco for the many extra efforts they make daily to ensure that St Paul is a great place for learning. ... Continue reading "National Custodian Appreciation Day"
On Friday, September 29, students and staff from across the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) will commemorate Orange Shirt Day. Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange to acknowledge the impact of the residential school system, raise awareness and honour Indigenous communities, to promote reconciliation.
Together change happens.
The week September 25 – 29, 2023 has been designated as “Safety Awareness Week” for the YCDSB. During this week, we will be rehearsing a variety of emergency school procedures to acquaint students and staff with the precautionary steps to take in the event of such things as a warning of severe weather, or an intruder. In addition, throughout the year we will hold practice ... Continue reading "Safety Week"
St Paul is excited to announce our participation in the Terry Fox Walk/Run will be on Tuesday, September 26th. Students in all grades will participate in this event. Our primary students will be on school grounds and our Junior & Intermediate students will walk within our community. Parents can support this fundraiser by clicking on this Fundraising Link.
We encourage ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Walk"
The St Paul staff along with some of our family schools in the area will be coming together on September 22 for the day to celebrate our theme for this year “We Are Called To Love“.