
News Stories

Winter Coat Drive

This Fall, St Pauls will be participating in a Winter Coat Drive.  Every child deserves to stay warm when the freezing temperatures arrive.  We are asking all families to bring in clean, gently used winter coats that are no longer needed in your families.   

Thank you to our Catholic School Council for this caring initiative.

Movie Night

The St. Paul Catholic School Council would like to invite everyone to a family movie night!  We will be watching the movie in the school gym on Thursday November 30th starting @5:30pm.

Pizza & juice is pre-ordered and popcorn & cookies will be available for purchase at the event.  Stay tuned for more details coming soon.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone ... Continue reading "Movie Night"

Bullying Prevention Week

During the week of November 13 – 16 we will be standing up for Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week.  This week students will  be engaged in a variety of positive peer relationship activities to help promote safe schools and a positive learning environment.  Many thanks to our Student Government and intermediates for organizing these great activities.

Remembrance Day

November 11th is Remembrance Day in Canada, also known as Armistice Day and “poppy day” around the world. It’s our annual reminder of significant sacrifices made in the past that have led to current freedoms. It’s observed on this date to commemorate the end of World War I, which officially took place on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. 

CONGRATULATIONS To Our October Recipients of the Virtue COMPASSION

In October, we celebrated and recognized the virtue of Compassion.  We would like to congratulate the following students for demonstrating the virtue of compassion at SPL through their words and actions.

Ms McDonald & Ms Scaccia – JK/SK: Jake

Ms. Ceci – Gr. 1/2: Christy & Arianna

Ms. Flatt – Gr. 2/3: Jaellah & Noelle

Mr. Hale ... Continue reading "CONGRATULATIONS To Our October Recipients of the Virtue COMPASSION"