Coby The Magician-Bullying Message
On November 7th, we had the pleasure of having Coby the Magician speak to our students about being respectful of others, having the courage to get involved, and to not be involved with Bullying.
On November 7th, we had the pleasure of having Coby the Magician speak to our students about being respectful of others, having the courage to get involved, and to not be involved with Bullying.
Congratulations to both our Boys and Girls Volleyball Teams for winning their tournaments. We thank Mr. Ottaway for coaching them. They will being going to the Area Tournament at Cardinal Cartier High School on December 3, 2019. Go Panthers Go!
We encourage all students to dress appropriately for cold weather. Students are strongly encouraged to come to school wearing the following items: Snow pants, hats, boots, scarves, warm coats, etc. ... Continue reading "Extreme Weather Information 2019-20"
Temperature and/or wind chill of -20 C or colder Indoor routine Temperature with wind chill -18 to -20 C Outdoor routine shortened to 20 minutes (20 minutes indoors, 20 minutes outdoors) -15 to -18Parent Information Night
Sacred Heart’s Parent Information Night will be held on Thursday November 7, 2019 at 7pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to tour the high school, learn about innovative program options and connect with staff and student ambassadors.
Sacred Heart’s Regional Arts Program
Sacred Heart’s new Regional Arts Program will be ... Continue reading "Sacred Heart Parent Information Nights"
Mr. Chomiak’s class organized for the entire school to cast their ballots as to whom they would like to represent them for the upcoming Federal Elections. A great opportunity for our students to demonstrate their democratic rights, as every student’s voice matters.
Thank you for all the donations received for the Terry Fox Run/Walk. $471.00 was raised for the Terry Fox Foundation. Staff and students had a wonderful day running/walking for those with Cancer.