
News Stories

SSVP Newmarket Says Thank You

On behalf of the St Vincent de Paul Society’s  Christmas Program we would like to thank you, your students and staff for the generous donation from your school. Through your generosity we were able to help make Christmas a lot brighter for 161 families in our community, including 373 children!! Your contribution helped to put clothing and toys under their trees this Christmas

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Healthy Hunger Hot Lunch Orders- Term 2-January 6-15 2020

Starting January 6, 2020, Catholic School Council will be offering lunches every Monday (Extreme Pita) and alternate Wednesdays (Sunnyside Grill). Lunches will be ready to order starting Monday December 23, 2019. Please note, there will be no cookie or drink options available. You can order at your own pace: every week, every other week, every month, or for the whole term. If necessary, you can ... Continue reading "Healthy Hunger Hot Lunch Orders- Term 2-January 6-15 2020"