
News Stories


We are delighted to share that BRAVE will be coming to St. Paul CES on Thursday March 31st 2022.

Presentations will be made to grade JK/SK through grade 8 students in their classrooms as we continue to strive to empower all of our students to set healthy boundaries, mentally, socially and physically.  Our Virtual students will also be participating on April 11-13th. ... Continue reading "B.R.A.V.E."

Lenten Food Drive

The community of St Paul CES will once again be partnering with the Newmarket Food Pantry to assist families in need in our community during this season of Lent. 

We will be participating in a Lenten One Day Food Drive on Friday, April 1st, 2022.

Families are encouraged to place a bag of food and/or personal hygiene items in the  bins/boxes. ... Continue reading "Lenten Food Drive"

World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate people with Down Syndrome around the globe. This signifies the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. This day was also declared Ontario Down Syndrome Day by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in 2016.

Students & staff are encouraged to wear mismatched socks on

... Continue reading "World Down Syndrome Day"

Loonie/Toonie Day for Ukraine

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022, the Archdiocese of Toronto announced it would be accepting donations for humanitarian relief in response to the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. Funds collected by the Archdiocese will be channeled to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) and the Office for Refugees, Archdiocese of Toronto (ORAT).

As a Catholic faith community, the York Catholic District School Board

... Continue reading "Loonie/Toonie Day for Ukraine"

Carnaval At St Paul

We are excited for our French Carnaval this coming Feb 22 -25 to St Paul!Students will enjoy a variety of activities such as spirit days, bingo games, friendly competitions/contests and guessing games. In addition, there will be two cultural presentations.  Ari Cui Cui will delight students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 with music, songs and games while Xmovement will get the junior and intermediate classes ... Continue reading "Carnaval At St Paul"