
News Stories

First Holy Communion

St John Chrysostom Parish is pleased in inform all parents that the preparation for First Communion has begun and closes September 30 @ 5:30pm.

Parents are welcomed to email the parish @ to request an online registration form or visit the parish for more information.


Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will be arriving soon to St. Paul!  It will be open for scheduled class visits on Sept. 19, 20, 21, and 22 during the school day.  What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event!

Students accompanied by parents (or just parents) are welcome from 8:45am-9:05am on Sept. 20, 21 and 22.  ... Continue reading "Book Fair"

Curriculum Night & BBQ

On Thursday, September 22, beginning at 5pm, St Paul is opening its doors to Curriculum Night!

This year we will have our annual Book Fair which will be held in our library and IRV at the George Food Truck will be selling hot dogs, hamburgers and fries.  There will also be some great prizes to be won.  We are looking forward in seeing ... Continue reading "Curriculum Night & BBQ"

Terry Fox Walk/Run

St Paul is excited to announce our participation in the Terry Fox Walk/Run on Tuesday, September 20.  Students in all grades will participate in this event.


YCDSB International Languages Program

Learning a new language provides students with the opportunity to learn 21st Century skills such as reasoning and problem solving, enhances cultural awareness, and prepares students for the global marketplace. The YCDSB Continuing Education Department has developed a vibrant program and offers both in-person and virtual classes in over 18 languages.

Please visit our YCDSB website for more information. ... Continue reading "YCDSB International Languages Program"

Welcome to the 2022/23 School Year & Trustee Message

Dear Students, Families, and all YCDSB Staff,

Welcome back! As your York Catholic Trustee, I would like to officially welcome you and your family to the 2022-2023 school year. I hope that you had a chance to relax, recharge and enjoy the summer with family and friends. We have so much to look forward to this year – more amazing academic achievements, more ... Continue reading "Welcome to the 2022/23 School Year & Trustee Message"