
News Stories

World Autism Acceptance Month

April is World Autism Acceptance Month and Sunday, April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day.  This day is focused on increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism, fostering support, and inspiring a kinder, more compassionate, more inclusive world.  At St Paul CES we strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where differences are celebrated as things that make us all unique and created ... Continue reading "World Autism Acceptance Month"

Lenten Food Drive

As we continue on our Lenten journey, we are reminded of our many blessings.  In that light, the community of St Paul CES will once again be partnering with the Newmarket Food Pantry to assist families in need in our community during this season of Lent.  Food Banks and Food Pantries across York Region are continuing to support thousands of families per month.  ... Continue reading "Lenten Food Drive"

Graduation Picture Day

Our Grade 8 students will be having their Graduation composite and individual pictures taken on Friday March 24th at 9:30 am.  Students are recommended to wear a collared white shirt or a collared shirt and most definitely bring their SMILE!

Continuing Education Elementary Summer 2023 Program Registration Is Open

Are you looking for high-quality educational summer programs for your child during the month of July?

The YCDSB Continuing Education Department is pleased to announce our elementary program registration is open.  Visit to register.

Summer Elementary Offerings:

Girls Intermediate Basketball Team

A huge congratulations to our intermediate girls basketball team who dominated and won their tournament yesterday in Newmarket.  A special thank you to our coach Mr. Ottaway and the team players which we are all SO proud of!

We wish our team the best of luck as they move on to the next round!  Go Panthers!