Confirmation Registration
Dear Parents/Guardians of grade seven students, Please see information regarding Confirmation from St. John Chrysostom...
Thanksgiving Food Drive for Haiti
Dear Parents/Guardians, Please see the attached letter for information on our Food Drive for Haiti...
First Eucharist and First Reconciliation
Dear Parents/Guardians, Attached are the forms from St. John Chrysostom Parish regarding First Eucharist and...
High School Information Night For Parents / Guardians of Grade 8 students
Our York Catholic High Schools are looking forward to welcoming Grade 8 students to their...
Grade 8 High School Information Night
Dear Parent/Guardians, The information evening for grade 8 students and parents for Sacred Heart C.H.S...
Grade Seven Immunizations
Dear Parents/ Guardians of Grade Seven Students, Attached is information regarding immunizations for grade seven...