Category: General

E.Q.A.O. Testing

Grade 3 & 6 E.Q.A.O. Testing

The Education Quality and Accountability Office mandates the testing of students each spring in grades 3 & 6. This year the testing will take place between May 23 to June 5. We ask that students come to school well rested and we would like to stress the importance of attendance during the testing period. Many thanks to ... Continue reading "E.Q.A.O. Testing"

Cardboard Boat Team

St. Paul’s qualified a team to compete in the Skills Ontario Cardboard Boat Race Provincial Finals that was held in Waterloo on March 2nd. Our team won the Silver Medal. The girls on the team constructed a boat that had had top marks in the construction portion of the build, it finished the race in 18.63 seconds and held 630 pounds. Our school is so ... Continue reading "Cardboard Boat Team"